Sunday, 26 October 2008


Originally uploaded by SteelApathy
This is a picture of two books i have made.
The bottom one i made in college, it's the first one i made, the top one is one of three that i'm making for people, but they don't know about it yet.

Next on the list i want to learn coptic binding and crochet. Oh and marbleing.

I should really be doing work for my course but it's half term so i feel like i have ages even though i'm working 3 days of it.

The sky is really gloomy yet beautiful today.

I got...

Originally uploaded by SteelApathy
A haircut the other day, got a fringe cut in properly, err, this picture is actually before i got it cut in properly, but i took some pictures after and i didn't like any of them.

Anyway, i've been quite happy lately. Not been doing roller derby because i've had zero money. Just got paid for the first time in weeks so i may go next week if i can.

Been busy with the Art things, learnin g some bookbinding, plaster making and concrete making at college, we're doing welding in a couple of weeks too so that should be interesting as i've never worked with metal before.

I will post more later today :)
